Bible Institute Network Affiliate Sign-up

The Bible Institute Network is published and managed by Book Jolt

What is the Bible Institute Network (BIN) Affiliate Marketing Program?

An Internet-based system where we pay you for referring your friends and acquaintances to the importance for Christians to study the Bible. Think of affiliate marketing like a real estate agent who doesn’t actually own the houses they sell; instead they promote houses on behalf of their clients, and earn a commission of the sale price of any properties sold.

Why do we do this?

In order for people to hear about the Bible Institute Network we have to advertise. Advertisement must be paid for so, simply stated, we would rather pay you than pay Google or Facebook. Affiliate marketing is probably one of the quickest ways to start making some extra money. You simply refer someone to Bible Institute Network, and you get a commission once they purchase.

Online Bible Study Affiliate Program

Bible Institute Network

When you join our affiliate program BIN will provide you with a unique affiliate code that you can use to refer your friends to our site. We offer you ready-made text links, banners and other forms of creative copies. All you have to do is copy the code and place it in any email you send or on your website and start referring people to BIN (check out our instruction video on this page). When interested friends that you have contacted click on any of the links from you they will get redirected to our site, if they enroll in BIN you as the referrer make a 20% ($59) commission.

You’ll have this special link, known as your affiliate link that will make sure you get credited with every student you bring into BIN. When someone clicks your affiliate link, then BIN knows it was you who sent the student.

Let me stress that affiliate links don’t affect the customer at all… they don’t pay more, they don’t miss out on anything and they will most likely never know that they purchased through an affiliate link. All it means is that when a customer buys something within a 30 day period after clicking on your affiliate link, you get the commission.

So the big goal of affiliate marketing is to get as many people as possible clicking on your BIN affiliate links and visiting the Bible Institute Network website; the more people that click on your affiliate links, the more chances you have of a sale occurring and earning a commission.

You will be able to track your performance through your affiliate platform; you will have complete, real time access to all your sales and commissions stats.0

10 reasons why affiliate marketing makes an excellent source of additional income for you:

  1. Get others committed to studying God’s Word
  2. No Fees: You don’t need to pay anything to join the BIN affiliate program
  3. You don’t need a staff
  4. You don’t even need a product you simply promote BIN
  5. You don’t need any expert knowledge on the Bible to sell BIN
  6. You can create an additional income stream
  7. We take care of all student support
  8. You don’t actually need a website
  9. You don’t have to have a massive audience
  10. You don’t have to stock or ship products

Different ways to do affiliate marketing even if you don’t have a website.

  • Your friends and acquaintances
  • In your email correspondence
  • If you have a blog
  • YouTube
  • Social media such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram but remember, since you don’t own your social media accounts, you need to follow the rules each site has regarding affiliate links. And, as a general rule, you shouldn’t be posting, pinning, or tweeting affiliate links alone. Instead, focus on the quality of content first and only include affiliate links when they add value to the information you’re sharing.


Eternally effect other Christians that become committed to Studying God's Word because of you!

Welcome to the BIN Team

You will shortly receive an email with your affiliate link and a web link to any instructions you might need to start recruiting students today!